Candidates list of Cantons de: Auray

Departement: Morbihan
Cantons de: Auray, Belle-Ile, Belz, Pluvigner, Port-Louis, Quiberon.

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Filter: | 2nd ballot : | Elected

2 candidate(s) elected or in second ballot

14 candidates during first ballot

Photo Name Party Constituency Signed the pact Finalist
Alexandra BERT Union Populaire Républicaine Morbihan - Cantons de: Auray, Belle-Ile, Belz, Pluvigner, Port-Louis, Quiberon. Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received
Yves CAU-DUPARC Regionaliste Morbihan - Cantons de: Auray, Belle-Ile, Belz, Pluvigner, Port-Louis, Quiberon. Not contacted
Véronique COQUIL Regionaliste Morbihan - Cantons de: Auray, Belle-Ile, Belz, Pluvigner, Port-Louis, Quiberon. Not contacted
Didier COUPEAU Europe Écologie - Les Verts Morbihan - Cantons de: Auray, Belle-Ile, Belz, Pluvigner, Port-Louis, Quiberon. Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received
Eric FORDOS Front national Morbihan - Cantons de: Auray, Belle-Ile, Belz, Pluvigner, Port-Louis, Quiberon. Not contacted
David JAN La France Insoumise Morbihan - Cantons de: Auray, Belle-Ile, Belz, Pluvigner, Port-Louis, Quiberon. Not contacted
Cyril LE BAIL Extrême gauche Morbihan - Cantons de: Auray, Belle-Ile, Belz, Pluvigner, Port-Louis, Quiberon. Not contacted
Gwenhaëlle LE DÉLÉTER Parti communiste francais Morbihan - Cantons de: Auray, Belle-Ile, Belz, Pluvigner, Port-Louis, Quiberon. Not contacted
Philippe LE RAY Les Républicains Morbihan - Cantons de: Auray, Belle-Ile, Belz, Pluvigner, Port-Louis, Quiberon. Not contacted Finalist
Stéphanie LE SQUER Parti socialiste Morbihan - Cantons de: Auray, Belle-Ile, Belz, Pluvigner, Port-Louis, Quiberon. Not contacted
Vincent LEBEUF Divers droite Morbihan - Cantons de: Auray, Belle-Ile, Belz, Pluvigner, Port-Louis, Quiberon. Not contacted
Alain MALARDÉ Regionaliste Morbihan - Cantons de: Auray, Belle-Ile, Belz, Pluvigner, Port-Louis, Quiberon. Not contacted
Pascale MORISS Debout La France Morbihan - Cantons de: Auray, Belle-Ile, Belz, Pluvigner, Port-Louis, Quiberon. Not contacted
Jimmy PAHUN Divers Morbihan - Cantons de: Auray, Belle-Ile, Belz, Pluvigner, Port-Louis, Quiberon. Not contacted Elected