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Free Software Pact: 162 signatories, at least 33 MEPs have signed the Free Software Pact!


Paris, 28 May 2014. Press release.

According to provisional results, 33 signatories of the Free Software Pact were elected to the European Parliament in May 2014. April thanks all of them for their commitment in favor of Free Software, and volunteers for their hard work.

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Less than 48 hours before voting for the European Parliament starts! Contact your candidates now!


The European elections will take place May 22-25, starting on Thursday with the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, followed by Ireland on Friday, Latvia, Malta, Slovakia, French Overseas Territories on Saturday (while the Czech Republic will vote on Friday and Saturday), and on Sunday Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia and Spain will vote.

There is only a few hours left to contact your candidates! So far, 122 candidates have signed the Free Software Pact.

The contact platform is there to help you contact candidates. Get in touch with them, whether by email, phone, mail, or direct contact, and ask them if they are planning to sign the Free Software Pact.

You can elaborate by explaining why Free Software is important to you and why you believe it should be protected by legislators. Software patent, interoperability, freedom, privacy,... are all important and valid arguments to be heard by the future Members of the European Parliament!

You can also use the 2009 documents Free Software - what is at stake and Free Software - The threats to have more ideas on how to explain the issue to your candidates. Don't hesitate to use them!

And of course, you can also sign the Free Software usage declaration in order to show you support for Free Software and tell politicians that you believe it is important that they protect and promote it.

The Free Software Pact website is now available in German, Italian and Spanish


We are happy to announce that the website has been translated and is now available in English, French, Latvian, German, Italian and Spanish. Many thanks to all who participated in the translations!

Now you can spread the word, including to non-English speakers, to tell them about the initiative, ask candidates to sign the Free Software Pact, and sign the Free Software usage declaration!

New versions of the Free Software Pact: Català and Galego now online


The Pact is now available for download in Català and Galego. Many thanks to those who helped translate !

Contact your candidates to the European elections and ask them to sign the Free Software Pact!


The European elections are in less than a month. So far, 26 candidates have signed the Free Software Pact. Use the contact platform to get in touch with candidates in your country and ask them to sign the Free Software Pact!

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The Free Software usage declaration is now online!


The Free Software usage declaration is a simple way to let candidates know Free Software matters to European citizens. It allows you to announce that you are a Free Software user and that you want Free Software to be promoted and protected by the legislators in Europe. It is now available on the Free Software Pact website for you to sign!

The more signatures we have, the more candidates are likely to sign the Free Software Pact! Please sign it and spread the word to your friends!

This usage declaration has been proposed since 2007 by the French initiative and has been signed by over 18 000 persons! To check it out, see the website.

The website is now available in Latvian!


We are happy to announce that the website is now available in Latvian. Many thanks to all the volunteers who helped!

Other languages will be available soon. Check out the wiki to see them and help out!

Banners are now available - show your support!


Thanks to volunteers, we now have many banners available to show you support of the Free Software Pact! They are all under a Free licence (the first series under the same licence as the website, the second series under a CC-0 licence), so dont hesitate to use them, modify them. Your can also offer your own!

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New versions of the Free Software Pact: Spanish and Esperanto now online


The Pact is now available for download in the following languages:

Thanks to everyone who helped translate!

We will also introduce translations of the website in new languages: Spanish, Italian and German are just in need of the last proofreading. Stay tuned!

New versions of the Free Software Pact: Dutch, Latvian, Swedish now online


The Free Software Pact has been translated in Dutch, Latvian, and Swedish!

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New video: Richard M. Stallman on Free Software and the European Elections


We are happy to introduce a new video on the website, from Richard Stallman, president of the Free Software Foundation.

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New versions of the Free Software Pact: Finnish, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Slovak now online!


The Free Software Pact has been translated in Finnish, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Slovak !

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Translation updates: introducing a multilingual version of the Free Software Pact website


Thanks to layout changes, the website is now multilingual!

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A Flyer for the Free Software Pact


In order to promote the Free Software Pact campaign, April made a flyer which was distributed for FOSDEM and various events. Made by Antoine Bardelli, it is available under a free licence: LAL version 1.3 or later version, CC-BY-SA 2.0 or later version, and GNU FDL version 1.3 or later version.

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First signatures and new translations of the Free Software Pact


In the first few days following the launch of the campaign, a few candidates signed the pact. But in order to have more impact, candidates need to be able to read it in their own languages. Hence the translation of the pact is getting ready quite a few languages: the Pact is already available in English, French, Romanian :

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An open letter to the Members of the European Parliament


As a kickoff to the 2014 Free Software Pact campaign, April sent an open letter to all Members of the European Parliament on 31 january 2014.

Its aims is to remind MEPs of the biggest issues related to Free Software during the past five years, asking them to take a stand on these issues, by signing the Free Software Pact for those campaigning for reelection, or by taking stock of their term if they are not running for office again.

Beginning of the campaign


The European Elections will take place May 22-25 2014. Let's make all our future Members of the European Parliament aware of the importance of Free Software, related issues, and ask them to commit to the promotion and dissemination of Free Software !

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